From what age can I start giving my baby common food allergens? By Mirna El Sabbagh, Adult and Child Nutritionist in Dubai

From what age can I start giving my baby eggs, fish, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, soy beans?
PAST SOLID RECOMMENDATIONSDoctors used to recommend for babies to wait until 1 year or some cases 2 years or even 3 years. The new recommendations for the past few years have changed.
What is the new recommendation for giving allergens to babies?The NHS (UK), American Academy of Pediatrics (USA), World Health Organization, and Australian associations including the official allergy associations such as AAAI, ALL recommend starting with the allergens before 12 months. They state they can be introduced just like other foods in small amounts.
Several agencies also mention that delaying introduction of allergens makes allergies worse - not better.
IMPORTANT NOTE:THIS does not apply to kids who have allergies or history of allergies in the family.
Do not do anything your pediatrician is not comfortable with.
Before I continue with the official recommendations from other expert health agencies, I would like you to know that I have created a digital course with ALL the information you need about starting solids for your baby.
When can I introduce eggs to babies?
Eggs can be safely introduced to babies starting 6 months of age according to the NHS (UK), American Academy of Pediatrics (USA), World Health Organization, and Australian associations including the official allergy associations such as AAAI, ALL recommend starting with the allergens before 12 months. They state they can be introduced just like other foods in small amounts.
When can I introduce fish to babies?
Fish can be safely introduced to babies starting 6 months of age according to the NHS (UK), American Academy of Pediatrics (USA), World Health Organization, and Australian associations including the official allergy associations such as AAAI, ALL recommend starting with the allergens before 12 months. They state they can be introduced just like other foods in small amounts.
When can I introduce nuts to babies?
Nuts can be safely introduced to babies starting 6 months of age according to the NHS (UK), American Academy of Pediatrics (USA), World Health Organization, and Australian associations including the official allergy associations such as AAAI, ALL recommend starting with the allergens before 12 months. They state they can be introduced just like other foods in small amounts.
When can I introduce dairy to babies?
Yogurt and cheese can be safely introduced to babies starting 6 months of age according to the NHS (UK), American Academy of Pediatrics (USA), World Health Organization, and Australian associations including the official allergy associations such as AAAI, ALL recommend starting with the allergens before 12 months. They state they can be introduced just like other foods in small amounts. However, fresh cow's milk should be delayed until the child is 1 year old.
When can I introduce wheat to babies?
Wheat can be safely introduced to babies starting 6 months of age according to the NHS (UK), American Academy of Pediatrics (USA), World Health Organization, and Australian associations including the official allergy associations such as AAAI, ALL recommend starting with the allergens before 12 months. They state they can be introduced just like other foods in small amounts.
Would you like a course that answers all your questions about starting solids, gives you a schedule of feeding, and makes your life much easier?
I made the 6-12 months course just for that!
Moms love this course as it answers all their questions and gives information they don’t usually know. It is fully digital and you can access it from your phone or laptop from anywhere in the world. You can find it in here.
The 6-12 months course is currently bundled with the 1-7 year course at an amazing offer.
Mirna Sabbagh, an adult and child dietitian, nutritionist, and lactation consultant. She also has several digital courses: Pregnancy Nutrition Course, breastfeeding course, starting solids 6-12 months course, and also child nutrition for all children including picky eaters, that you can sign up for from the comfort of your home.
The courses are pre-recorded. As soon as you make the course purchase, you will receive a link to watch the course from your phone or laptop.
You can also e-mail Mirna for questions on
If you would like to book a consultation in person or via Zoom with Mirna El Sabbagh - Licensed Dietitian in Dubai - Contact her on