Back to School Starter Pack
Hey guys! I know back to school can be overwhelming. I haven't really settled 100%. We just got done with uniforms, ordering shoes, bags, new pens and books. Now is the time to organize our weekly schedule. Every Saturday I sit and plan with Karim what we will be having all week. I use the rule of 3's. 3 lunches, 3 breakfasts, and 3 dinners. I try to use 6 different types of vegetables, 6 proteins (chicken, meat, fish, egg, cheese, yogurt) and 6 fat (olive oil, avocado, almonds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter) I fill them out and buy the ingredient list accordingly. All this will be part of my Child Nutrition Course Coming soon. Please feel free to print the following and fill it out and put it on your fridge!
Send me pics of your planned weeks! Below you will find below a weekly calendar, a grocery list, a list of sugar names, and a list of foods that need to be organic and non-organic.
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